/hō′lē b ei/ -- n. an expression of holy being
At Holybei, we honor the body as whole and holy, recognizing the skin as a living expression of wisdom, resilience, and self-renewal. A persistent skin symptom is often a valuable messenger from within. We view the skin as a pathway into the deeper terrain of both our physical and emotional bodies; inviting you to explore what is calling via symptoms, concerns, and sensations through a spiral lens. Our approach to skincare diverges from conventional methods. Rather than interfere with the body’s natural rhythms, our practice supports them—removing obstacles that disrupt the flow of health and allowing the body to guide its own healing process organically. Our work enhances the skin's natural function from the outside in, addressing the root of the problem rather than masking its manifestations—trusting the body's innate wisdom, knowing that with the right care and support, the skin shines bright from within.
Barbara is a beloved Licensed Aesthetician and Holistic Skincare Practitioner devoted to exploring the skin as a vital organ of communication. Throughout and beyond her work as an Aesthetician, Barbara has learned from people at the far corners of the earth, drawing inspiration from Mother Nature and the wisdom inherent in each of our body’s processes. With a background in herbal medicine, somatic therapies, homeopathy, energy work, meditation, and nutrition, she offers a truly holistic approach. Through functional facials and mindful rituals, she is prepared to meet you where you are and guide in reconnecting with your true nature—honoring your skin as a doorway to deeper self-awareness, self-love, and transformation.