contraindications & concerns
general cautions
functional facials
2nd phase integrative therapies
It is useful to remember that when we support the body, we are not forcing it to do anything it doesn’t already want to do; therefore, our methods are not only safer than most modalities but also more effective because we are working with what the body is already trying to do and not against it. This is much easier to grasp if you fully and wholeheartedly believe that the body is highly intelligent and is always actively trying to renew in the healthiest, most beautiful way. Our job is simply to support it in doing that and then get out of the way and allow it!
No Extractions or 2nd Phase Integrative Therapies when there are:
Deep dehydration and sensitivity
Recent heavy exfoliation
The skin is not healing properly/Structural Integrity is compromised
High Vitamin A use:
Accutane, of course is contraindicated for just about everything
Using strong levels of Retinols
Using Retinols on a continual basis.
Steroid use (Even OTC)
Manual Removal of Debris (Extractions): Extractions are not recommended if the client is deeply dehydrated and has not followed our regimen for at least 3 weeks. This approach minimizes discomfort and ensures better results with less recovery time. Avoid extractions unless they can be performed cleanly and easily. Communicate that the goal is to reduce the need for extractions over time.
We don’t recommend “exfoliation” more than once a month (professionally) and most people don’t even need that.
All of our forms of “exfoliation” that we offer in the services are much more gentle than most peels, although we still prefer to be judicious in their use.
Pumpkin Peel is the most intense and we recommend for special occasions (not ALL THE TIME) for anyone but the most sensitive or sensitized skin.
While many people think of their grain cleanser (SYWO or Integrity Biome Mask) as being “exfoliating, but they are both actually very gentle (especially when made with HOT WATER) and are ok for many times within a week for most people.
If, however, someone has been using overt amounts (over .5% dilution) of essential oils for a long period of time (over 3 months) they may find that their skin is more reactive to some of the herbs in SYWO and they many just want to stick to Integrity Biome Mask for a while, until their skin becomes less sensitized.
Oils with Barrier Damage:
If the client is experiencing Barrier Damage we need to limit the amount of oils we are using in the facial and perhaps even omit them for the second facial if there wasn’t a considerable clearing of stagnation after the first one—even with proper follow-up home care. Start with an Integrative Therapy for Barrier Repair! Most people with stagnation/barrier damage do not need extraction, therefore you may do “honey tapping” where you would normally.
Pregnancy: All products and techniques are safe during pregnancy. However, 2nd Phase Integrative Therapies are generally avoided to allow the body to focus on its essential work. Facial Point Stimulation should avoid the area under the nose, but The Alignment Technique remains beneficial.
Cancer: While the drainage technique is less intense than Manual Lymphatic Drainage, it is advisable to avoid it for clients undergoing cancer treatment or those for whom MLD is contraindicated. The Alignment Technique is a suitable and supportive alternative.